Sangram Krishna Nirmale

Courses Taught at Postgraduate Level


Courses Taught at Graduate Level

  1. Numerical Methods in Civil Engineering (CE 465)

Teaching Experience in Professional Development Courses

  1. A Short Course on Advanced Choice Modelling Methods with Applications in Transportation and Urban Systems organised by the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bengaluru. August 2024
  2. Delivered several lectures on choice modelling and led tutorial sessions on estimating statistical models using GAUSS software.

  3. Summer School Open Stack – Recent Advances in Urban Transportation Systems and Planning organised by GISE Hub at IIT Bombay.July 2024.
  4. Delivered several lectures on mode choice modelling and activity-based travel demand models. Additionally, I conducted tutorial sessions on estimating statistical models with R software, as well as tutorials on creating road networks and traffic analysis zones using QGIS.

  5. Faculty Development Program on Contemporary Civil Engineering organised by the Department of Civil Engineering at D Y Patil College of Engineering and Technology Kolhapur. June 2024.
  6. Gave a guest lecture on ‘The Crucial Role of Travel Demand Modelling in City Planning.

  7. SERB-Sponsored High-End Workshop on Inferential Statistics & Regression Techniques for Data Analytics and Modelling in Research at Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur. December 2022.
  8. Gave a guest lecture on choice modelling theory and led tutorial sessions on estimating statistical models using R software

  9. SPARC-Sponsored Workshop on Advanced Choice Modelling Methods in an Evolving Urban Travel Behaviour Landscape at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. February 2020.
  10. Assisted with preparing course material, gave a few theory lectures, and led tutorial sessions on estimating statistical models using GAUSS software

  11. Discrete Choice Theory and Modelling Applications in Transportation at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. July 2018.
  12. Led tutorial sessions on estimating statistical models using R software